
Saturday, February 8, 2014

There is Nothing Wrong with that Expression // My own project


This exhibition needs teenagers participate. The image will be on the left and the expression photograph will be on its right. They will chose the expression that like theirs, and they stick their names on the bottom of the image. When they go out, they will get souvenire / award / something. The style will be minimalist modern. The colors are red, blue, yellow, green, black, white, grey 
When they enter the hall, this will divided by some parts, depends on the expression (like sad, angry, happy, etc). The photograph will hang on the top. I hot the reference from Avatar movie. I image this can be 2 styles. First, shocking or neon color, i think the line will be from neon LED light. Second, not light, with monocrome image + neon splash! The colors are shocking pink, yellow stabilo, electric blue, neon green.

At the beginning, they will enter the exhibition and look a quote on the wall. Then they walk through the alley, and the expression photographs hang on the walls of alley. The decoration will be like retro style. The colors are orange, yellow, marron, tosca
I choose the one that not many people already know or discuss about it, i want to give new informations to the audience. So many people choose about Barbie and Gadget Vs. Traditional toys. But i like human expression and tattoo, because there are knew knowledge that can change people mind set. I want to make something but less words, only quotes and short informations. Claudine told me the feedback, ‘maybe you can give something to people and take a picture their expression when they see it.‘
I have 3 concepts and feedbacks, then i made a decicion to combine the alley concept with fiery concept. Most of teenagers love to spare their time or meet their friends at alley. Some of them do negative things like make a graffiti on people’s wall. Then i am trying to change that negative habbit into positif habbit and also bring new experience. I am going to make an exhibition in that alley with graffiti style and share teenagers expression to reduce misunderstanding and stop teenagers violence (because some teenagers fight or bully their friends at alley too). 
The alley form will be human expression, happy and sad. Then the image will hang on the top with graffiti background. So the teenagers just like spare their time to have fun but get message indirectly.
The keywords are brave (the colors), young (the graffiti style), adventure (the alley form).



William James (Psychologists) and Citra Bangsa (High School) 

Product / Service 
William James is a psychologist who established the first psychology research laboratory in the Indonesia and founded the human expression psychological. He also has a counseling service for teens and adults problems. 
Citra Bangsa High School is a national plus high school in Jakarta. They have a program called “character Building” which is held every year with a different concept. 

There are a lot of problems in high school (teenager age) because of the expression and emotions. Although they have counceling teachers in their school, they need to be teached in “fun“ way to deliver the message indirectly. Then Citra Bangsa high school working with some psychologists make a mini exhibition about human expression to teach the people that all of us have different expression and that is nothing wrong with it. 

• He has a br oad understanding of human expr essions and 
human relationships 
• He has experiences dealing with teen issues 
Citra Bangsa 
• They have dif ferent programs every year for character building 
• They always try to make dif ferent concept to make students do not 
get bored 

• He served consultation and never make a big exhibition for te ens 
Citra Bangsa 
• They only make the pr ogram for school pupils, not public 

• There are parents find an exhibition that supported by psychologist 
Citra Bangsa 
• There are some students like to come to character building pr ogram 
• There are parents ask school to make a pr ogram about character building 
for their children 

There are another psychologists make a better service for teens 
Citra Bangsa 
Sometimes, students lazy to come to school program 
There are some better way to deliver the messages 
“There is Nothing Wrong with That Expression” Mini Exhibition 

“There is nothing wrong with that expression” is an exhibition with a new concept which is aimed at teenagers in Indonesia. This exhibition will provide a different experience and impression for visitors. It will be held for 3 days. The concept that we use is to fun, not patronizing, indirect messages, modern, and comfortable. 
This mini exhibition is the new way to tell people about other people expressions. It would be interesting and not boring because we do not patronizing the audiences. It has strong messages. We also give knowledge behind the exhibition (photograph) we show to the audiences. 
It would be fun, but some people look at this just for fun (the message does not delivered well). Not all ages could understand the messages. 
People are looking for new concept of exhibition. There are a lot of people who have problems (violence in teenagers). Parents are looking for an event that can teach their children in fun way. 
Other competitors may deliver the messages by another better way. Some people do not care and do not want to know about social problems 
Our goal is prevent and stop teenagers violence, because a lot of violence and misunderstanding in relationship. 
Three top objectives : 
• Successfuly help Citra Bangsa high school, par ents, and psychologists to 
change teenagers’ mindset and manage the emotions 
• We want to build people awar eness about teenagers violence pr oblems 
• Improve people social skill 
High school students 
between the age of 12 to 18 
Especially to teenagers, they should care and watch this because a lot of teenager violence problems already and they do not need to be one of the perpetrators or victims. 
Parents , Families, and Teachers 
They have to care in order to understand how to deal with their children emotions were unstable and prestuge. 
1// Internet , , , 
• People can lear n about human face expr ession biologically 
• People can r ead it everywher e anytime 
• They only talk biologically (the human face) and knowledge 
• They ar e boring because only text in the scr een (browsing) 
• They do not talk in social way 
• They only talk to inter net user 
• People ar e looking for a fast r esource about human expr ession 
• People ar e looking for human expr ession biologically knowledge 
• There is another better way to deliver the knowledge about 
human expression 
• Some people just do not car e about human expr ession 
• People lazy to open the inter net and r ead 

2// Organisation (Help for Parents of Troubled Teens ) , www.dw.ce (Reaissance Exhibition) 
• They can explain mor e about social life 
• They can come to the high schools and give a seminars 
• Students will get bor ed if you for ce them to listen to the seminars 
• It takes time 
• Students feel like someone is patr onizing them, and they do not like it 
• They only talk to some people in seminars 
• Parents are looking for seminars that people can explain dir ectly to 
their children 
• People ar e looking for a seminars about teenagers life and the pr oblems 
• There are some people do not like to listen to the seminars 
• There is another better way to deliver the messages than seminar 
The different us from them is we have a vision to help and change people mindset from the problem exists, not only knowledge biologically. We also send the messages to the audience indirectly, so the audience will have fun when they come to the exhitibition and see a lot of funny expression and realise those are the daily expression that they see, and nothing wrong with those expressions. 
06. TONE 
We should make something fun and interesting that will invite our audience - like introduction on the street and poster. 
Adjesctive : Modern, Funny, Welcome, Friendly 
• All people have dif ferent and unique expr essions 
• Nothing is wr ong with your friends expr essions 
• Do not be a perpetrators of victims of teenager violence pr oblem 
• We are not patr onizing, but we ar e sharing the unique fact 
Overall, the content of this mini exhibition is photograph of human expression. It can explore through colors, shape, or title. The look and feel can be supported by the colors and photographs that well-suited the tone. 

1. A logo 
2. Mini Exhibition Mock Up 
3. Guide Book 
4. Name tag 
5. Crew Uniform 
6. Ticket 
7. Pin 
8. Pen 
9. Stamp 

Limitations / Restrictions 
All of the photograph should be real human face. We only use a few words to avoid misunderstanding and the nature of “patronizing” newcomers 
Budget for this project : 
Miniature IDR 400.000 
Guide Book IDR 25.000 
Name Tag IDR 25.000 
Ticket IDR 15.000 
Crew Uniform IDR 100.000 
Pin IDR 20.000 
Pen IDR 20.000 
Stamp IDR 50.000 
Total estimated IDR 5.000 

24/10/13 • Brainstorming 10 ideas 
• Getting feedback fr om classmates and lectur es 
• Analyse the topic ideas 
31/10/13 • Discuss with friends and select a topic 
07/11/13 • Resear ch 
• Making cr eative brief 
14/11/13 • Revising cr eative brief 
• Creating project out comes 
21/11/13 • Revising pr oject out comes 
• Making mindmap 
• Creating 3 dif ferent concepts 
• Creating 3 dif ferent moodboards 
28/11/13 • Starting sketch logo of exhibition 
• Starting sketch mini exhibition map 
• Collecting images to get teenagers expr essions 
12/12/13 • Digitalys logo 
• Taking a photograph of people expr ession 
• Starting build the miniatur e 
19/12/13 • Continuing the miniature 
• Creating a guide book 
09/01/14 • Continuing the miniature 
• Designing name tag, cr ew uniform, ticket, pin, pen, stamp 
16/01/14 • Finishing the mock up, finishing the guide book 
• Printing name tag, guide book, cr ew uniform, ticket, 
pin, pen, stamp 
23/01/14 • Finishing mock up, Print the guide book 
30/01/14 • Submission day, begin cr eating presentation 
06/02/14 • Presentation day 




final business card


final - crew uniform

final - crew uniform


final name tag - crew


final teaser poster

final poster 

 PIN (you will get it free when you exit the exhibition) 




base as floor

wall outside the exhibition




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